WALIDS: Worked All LIDS Award
In the series of WAS, WAZ, WAC etc. there’s a new diploma to obtain, the Worked All Lids award. The target is to promote activity on air by both members and non-members. SWLs won’t go short, too!
You have to work members of the LIDS club as specified in the member list, with restrictions of the number of contacts and mode depending on the category.
These categories are:
- CW – Only CW contacts are valid
- Digital – All digital modes including PSK, RTTY and CW(even FreeDV)
In each category you can earn a
- Bronze Award – at least 10 points
- Silver Award – at least 25 points
- Gold Award- at least 50 points
A contact with a member counts one point, a contact with a club station of the LIDS club, e.g. M0LCW, MW0LCW etc. counts three points. Each member and club station may only be contacted once. LIDS members’ details can be verified on the Members page.
Contacts after the 1st January 2015 are valid.
The following information must be provided in any common logging form or as plain text:
Date, Time, Mode, Member Callsign worked
SWLs should log contacts in which at least one member is involved and have to provide the following information:
Date, Time, Mode, Member Callsign(s) involved, call signs of each non-member involved
Each request which meets the requirements will be awarded with a custom made diploma as PDF file.
Logs may be sent to awards@lidscw.org.
Have fun working each other,
73 es 55 de Kay, DO7KAY